Friday 30 January 2015

Why is India so Filthy?

Filthy India
Swaksha Bharat Abhiyan, A programme started by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi is indeed a nice initiative to make India a better place to dwell in. The programme has been set forth to make India Clean but it holds an even deeper and worthier aspect. It seems as its goal is only to change the physical condition of India, but in contrary to this, its broad aim is to change the mindset of Indians.
To understand this, let's ask a question to ourself, Why is India so filthy? There will be different answers with various facts to suit the theories. But the summarised answer is that India is unclean because its inhabitants are likewise reluctant to clean it themselves. And this reluctant attitude isn't all their fault. Our manipulated culture also plays a lively role in synthesising such mindsets. The ancient civilization of the Indus Valley and the later Vedic culture had been manipulated by certain so called high casters who once used to be called the more cerebral ones. The caste system was just a tool to divide the jobs for the existing population and to make them devoted towards their responsibilities. There is no such mention in the Vedic culture that the duties ascribed to someone will be a hierarchy but it was wrongly altered and we ourself are living evidence for it. The caste system promulgated and now it is proffering the most effective deterrent for our development.
The upper caste people don't consider it as their duty to clean their surroundings as the task is already assigned to the lower caste ones by default. Whereas the lower caste doesn't do it themselves arguing that they need an equal status. And this conquest for equality and supremacy in turn disrupts the cleanliness of the nation.
PM, Modi had taken a vow to make India clean and he will encourage others in his surroundings, village, family and colleagues as well. Taking an inspiration from Ice Bucket Challenge, he tagged five businessmen and actors to join him and tag ten more to constitute a chain of encouragement. This was done not only to clean India, but to clean the mentality of Indians. But despite of these efforts a big mass of society is still adhered to those sick mentalities. Mahatma Gandhi had once himself set an example of manual work by cleaning his toilet in public. Here in India we have laws against pollution of the environment by factories, but we don't have any law for those who dump the garbage in open.
Today what all India needs is an addition of another fundamental duty to the constitution. And it should run like all the citizens of India has their responsibility of keeping their surroundings hence India clean. We all should see cleanliness as a moral duty rather than associating it with certain castes.India needs society like that of Japan, where despite of the position and status of an individual, all have to keep their surroundings clean. There should be strict laws for throwing trash in open like that in the UAE. And above all it should be a moral responsibility of individuals to keep the nation clean and this is what we all should adopt and promote. 

Thursday 22 January 2015

Ridiculous culmination of Science & Politics

Rock Bedding ShowiIng possible depostion of fossils

I am totally fed up with the ongoing political propagandas. Don't we have other stuffs to invest our minds upon?
The Himalayas has a vast concentration of highly metamorphosed contents and Marine fossils. It can be well authenticated by its origin itself. The Himalayas has been evolved from the Tethys sea, according to the widely accepted view of Geosynclinal evolution theory. In that location is a probable existence of Shale.
When the world is starving of future energy resource, we already possess it and that too in the shape of huge deposits but what we are getting along? Still absorbed in those moronic bloody political debates!
There are two basic things to be researched. One is the availability of Shale and the other is the method of extraction of its chemical energy and later the transformation of it in the form of heat and mechanical energy.
We are already holding a possible deposit of Shale. Then all we necessitate to do is to explore it and find out a way to make use of it. And it doesn't require any sort of heculious work to be done. We are already having certain most sophisticated chemical labs in India. But ironically the sophisticated ones get no work and the useless ones are busy synthesising the most advanced political propagandas and conspiracies to defame each other.
India has been gifted with tons of resources but long since the very beginning, we have been wasting our time in such political scums letting others (Like Persians, Turkish Moughals, Portuguese, English and the most recent AN Italian) to take away our valuables.

Ultimately, I would say Kudos to the work of Kalx Marx, who amalgamated a political term Socialism with Science and synthesised Marxism popularly known as Scientific Socialism. At least for me, I would never understand the culmination of Science and Politics!